Apr 29, 2010

f%$@ off he's mine!

Lately I started watching Vampire Diaries.. this is one of many programmes I have become obsessed with.
Regardless of bad scripting/acting some shows just tickle your fancy, and satisfy your girlish fantasies.

Yes I know twilight was bad, but hey, we get tired of  trying to dream up our own cheesy love stories.. so why not have someone do it for you?

It just cracks me up how possessive we get over certain characters..
(cue dreamy vampirish male)

Things are said.

Names are called.

Friendships broken.

Alliances formed.


Tears are shed..

and then..

Alliances Reformed.

& all over a guy or fictional character we will never meet!
WHY? because these characters were tailor made for us, they cover all the essential categories..

Looks, charm, wit, passion, romance, loyalty.. how can we resist?
Each and every one of us feel like they were made just for us, like they stepped out of our heads and onto the screen. 
Of course it's cheesy, of course it's lame.. we invented it! and we love it :P

Intellectual movies are for thinking..
Soppy lame movies are for feeling.

Don't even get me started on scary movies!... save that for another blog ;)

x Sarah.

Ps: (Damon's mine!)

Apr 27, 2010

Plotting Mantises!

So as most of my friends may know I LOATHE PM's.. I think from the title you have guessed what a PM is, and to be honest I just don't want to have to type that word more than necessary! drawing these ABOMINATIONS is hard enough!

Anyway... I am often mocked for my fear of these insects, obviously the mockers's  have not done their homework! 

So here it is. 

1) They look like something out of alien versus predator! Shit it shoulda been Praying Mantis vs Predator.. or Alien vs Praying Mantis vs Predator ... PM would win hands down, *chomp* there goes Aliens head, *CHOMP* Predator your DEAD!
Horror movie about PM's... fricken terrifying! 

2) They have the excorcist thing going on! I saw one at work the other day and it's head did a full 180 to look at me... I EAT YO BAYBEES! ... seriously.. it said that >.>

3) They named a fighting stance after it.. that alone is PROOF they are deadly!
(Chinese: 螳螂拳; pinyin: tánglángquán; literally "praying mantis fist")

4) They bite. Don't dispute this, I have been bitten and I refuse to believe otherwise!

5) THEY BITE EACH OTHERS HEADS OFF AFTER SEX! okay, so only the female will bite the males head off.. which could say something about females too, but ... THEY BITE EACH OTHERS HEADS OFF AFTER SEX!

6) They have MILLIONS of babies. I am sure this is an attempt at world domination. I will not accept any other explination!

7) There you are just strolling down your hallway, or a nice garden path and *whiiiiiiiirft* IN YO FACE! ... be careful, if the PM makes its target it will do either 4 or 5!

8) DEATH STARE.. have you ever looked a praying mantis RIGHT in the eyes?

9) Their name is decieving! who PRAYS? priests, monks, little children before bed? They are leading you to believe they are just talking to God, asking for a little more sunshine or a nice juicy bug, but what they are REALLY doing is plotting evil deeds! they should be called Plotting Mantises!

10) Because I said so.. and that is reason enough!

x Sarah

Apr 26, 2010

First Blog Evarrrr!

So this is the first of the first... FIRST BLOG EVARRRRR
Which might lead you to think I'd pick something EPIC to write about, right?

Yeah.. well.. actually I really have no idea what to write about just yet.. so I asked friends for ideas.. some ideas I got were Joshua Hartnett, Love, Fairy Tales, World of Warcarft and ways to kill time.... 

I couldn't pick just one topic so kill some time with this awesome movie!:

I heard it was the new 'Twilight'
(But keep in mind I am prone to hearing things)

'til next time!x Sarah